Get the Jury to See it Your Way with Interactive Media Display

Taking videotaped depositions of de bene esse witnesses is not a new innovation.  What is new is the ability to display for the jury both the exhibit and the witness’ reaction to the exhibit simultaneously with interactive picture-in-picture technology.

Imagine the impact on your jury to see the witness’ comfort – or lack thereof – during his testimony. The power of this technology could well be just what you need to help the jury deliver a verdict in your favor.

Video technologists utilize Elmo high-definition document scanners and video mixers to integrate any and all media types, including video clips, electronic documents, MRIs, or any other demonstratives needed to create compelling, powerful picture-in-picture presentations that display with clarity each and every issue to be deliberated.

With Interactive Media Display, you never have to stop the proceedings and direct the jury’s attention to the exhibit on another screen or to a stack of papers, because it’s all displayed clearly and concisely alongside the video of the witness.

Enhanced video mixing and recording of the laptop screen is available, as are projectors and speakers.  A good trial technology team utilizing this software can catapult your case into the 21st Century, which is exactly what today’s tech-savvy juries expect. Don’t let your jury down. Engage them with interactive media display and provide them with the “experience” they seek.