Hand, Wrist & Arm Exercises for Court Reporters

Because: (a) Princeton Review indicates that as many as 25 percent of those who leave the court reporting profession leave due to stress, (b) The Mayo Clinic reports that, “a little exercise goes a long way” when it comes to stress management, and (c) Stenograph suggests that reporters “take frequent breaks to stretch or exercise” while on the job, we thought it important to share this list of quick and easy arm, hand and wrist relaxation exercises that can be done anywhere at any time.

Reporters should not perform these exercises if they are experiencing any sort of hand, wrist, or arm pain, but should consult their physician instead.

Circles: Stretch both arms outward with fingers together and draw a circle with your hands, rotating them at the wrist. Five circles in one direction, then five in the opposite direction.

Extension: Hold arm outward with palm facing down. Raise the hand up as though you were telling someone to stop. Using the opposite hand, apply pressure to the palm of the raised hand. Hold pressure for five seconds, then relax. Repeat for a total of three times per hand.

Curls: Hold arm outward, with the palm facing down. Drop the hand downward at the wrist. Using the palm of the opposite hand, apply pressure to the back of the dropped hand. Hold pressure for five seconds, then relax. Repeat three times per hand.

Stretches: Spread the fingers of both hands far apart. Hold for five seconds, then relax. Repeat for a total of three times.

Thumb Stretches: Raise the arm out with the palm out/up as if telling someone to stop, and gently apply pressure using the other hand to the extended thumb in a back and downward direction. Hold for five seconds and relax. Repeat this three times per hand.

Stenograph offers an even more comprehensive list of things reporters can do to stay relaxed and maintain their hand, wrist and arm health while on assignment.