On-Line Resources for Court Reporters

Planet Depos asked its reporters to share the on-line resources they utilize that help minimize their transcription time, and increase their “me” time.  Here is what they suggested:

Checking on legal terminology is easier than ever at Nolo.com or Depo.com.  Looking up all other sorts of terminology is simple, thanks to these on-line dictionaries and glossaries:  All dictionaries, All Glossaries, anatomy, Black’s Law Dictionary, construction, diseases and conditions, English dictionary, firearm terms, forensic science, Maryland Reporters Manual, medical dictionary, medical equipment, medical prefixes & suffixes, prescription drug dictionary, slang, technology dictionary.  Looking up information on almost any other subject is still possible at the Library of Congress.

Punctuating transcripts is less tricky at GrammarBook.com and GrammarBase.com; and figuring out when to italicize and when to use quotation marks is simplified at GrammarTips.

Checking codes cited in oral argument is possible via Cornell’s Legal Information Institute; and knowing how to format a case cite is made more understandable at Access-toLaw.com.

Attorney names and spellings are now accessible on-line at Martindale.com, and getting to an assignment without an app or GPS is still possible at: RandMcNally, GoogleMaps, and Mapquest.  Figuring out how much cash to carry on an assignment anywhere in the world is easy at OnLineConversion.com.

For help with computer hardware and software, there is: Microsoft, Apple, and Google; and for realtime and court reporting software support, there is:  CaseViewNet, Concordance, Eclipse Advantage, LiveNote Stream, Bridge, Summation, and Stenograph, who all still provide expert technical support.

Getting in touch telephonically is still possible thanks to the White Pages, Yellow Pages, and Martindale.com, and knowing when to call is easier at WorldTimeZone.com.

Planet Depos would like to thank its reporters and scopists who shared these suggestions, and we hope that you, too, find these resources helpful.