Steno Writers in 2014

As steno machine manufacturers modify their writers, making them more ergonomic, lightweight, paperless, and generally sleeker, it appears that there are two reporter factions: those who immediately upgrade, and those who wouldn’t consider trading in their “baby/writer” for anything.

So how does one go about determining the “right fit,” considering how complex the writers have become? For reporters who have had any sort of physical strain, they’ll want to be sure to check out the Gemini writer line, with its split, ergonomically designed steno keyboard, as well as Stenovations’ LightSpeed. Both writers, according to LightSpeed Addicts Anonymous and Infinity Writers, appear to be easier on the arms, wrists, back and neck than the traditional steno writer. On the other hand, old-timers stand by their traditional writers, and wouldn’t consider changing to anything remotely similar to the LightSpeed or Gemini.

Many officials are still required to archive their steno notes, which eliminates many of the newer, lightweight, paperless writers, making writer selection simpler.  However, many are moving toward writers that have a lighter stroke/depth, writers that are wireless, and those portable enough to move seamlessly from their seat to the judge’s bench and back again.

Captioners who need to be mobile while streaming text seek lightweight machines with long battery lives that wirelessly transmit to tablets that are Friend Locked utilizing a body harness for their writer.

For working reporters who can’t decide which writer in which to invest, attending NCRA’s annual convention in San Francisco in August and trying out each writer may be your best bet. For students strapped for money, trying out different writers as 3-month rentals may be the ticket.

Whichever writer you do decide to purchase or rent, be sure to familiarize yourself thoroughly with all of its nuances, from the number-bar and key stroke settings to the laptop/tablet feeds. Though obviously, it’s not the writer that secures your career — it’s your skills, knowledge of technology and professionalism.