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Do Left-Handed Reporters Have an Advantage?

Among the 21 court reporters who responded to Planet Depos’ inquiry as to who is and who is not left-handed, an amazing 24 percent were south-paws, a statistic rivaling baseball’s 25 percent.   Worldwide, on average, only  1 in 10 people is left-handed.  That’s a mere...

Staying Focused with Laughter

Court reporters are required to stay alert for long periods of time. So, how do they do it?  Over the years, reporters develop tricks for staying focused.  Most turn to caffeine and sugar, but the University of Kentucky suggests the healthier, lower calorie option:...

Consider a Pet for Stress Relief

You work long hours as a court reporter, don’t like to exercise, meditation isn’t your thing, and you feel stressed often.  What you may need is a pet.  According to the National Institutes of Health, married couples “who owned a pet were found to have lower heart...

Marketing “What You Can Do”

In 2014, as a court reporter, you are more indispensable to the legal community now than ever before, as you are relied upon for your ability to: •  take verbatim testimony, •  have the testimony appear instantaneously on an iPad, •  disseminate a real-time feed to...
Planet Depos

Planet Depos

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