International Arbitration in Asia

As a result of the globalization of cross-border business, more commercial relationships than ever before exist between businesses and states. When a dispute arises, it is becoming more and more common for international arbitration to be the method chosen to resolve such disputes due to its cost-effectiveness and speed as compared to court litigation. Perhaps more than any other factor, however, it is the greater enforceability of arbitral awards as opposed to court judgments which tips the scales in favor of arbitration.

Singapore is a major international arbitration hub, currently rated at No. 5 in the world for neutrality in the Corruption Perceptions Index. Singapore is a party to the 1958 New York Convention. The Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) and Maxwell Chambers reside in Singapore, and there are no visa requirements for non-residents to carry out arbitration services in Singapore. Considering these factors and zero restrictions on foreign law firms engaging in arbitration in Singapore, its clout as an international arbitration venue will likely only continue to grow.

Hong Kong is likewise a party to the 1958 New York Convention, and with the establishment of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) in 1985, Hong Kong distinguished itself as the leader in international arbitration in the Asia region. Hong Kong’s status as home to huge numbers of world-class legal professionals, experienced foreign attorneys and arbitrators ensure that it will long be a leading center in international arbitration.

Scheduling coverage for your arbitration in Asia should be as seamless as the process of arbitration itself was designed to be. A court reporting company experienced in international arbitration and intimately familiar with Asia is pivotal to ensuring a smooth course, able to advise regarding visa and passport requirements, provide airport and hotel recommendations and, of course, restaurant recommendations.

With over a decade of experience covering depositions and arbitrations throughout Asia, and U.S.-trained reporters and videographers living on the ground throughout the region, Planet Depos has the knowledge to expertly cover your proceedings in Asia.  The Planet Depos team will consider every detail to ensure the whole experience is as easy as scheduling back home.  For information on depositions or arbitration in Asia or anywhere abroad, contact International Scheduling at 888.433.3767 or via email at