The Latest Writers and CAT Software Technology – Part 4

Parts 2 and 3 of this blog featured the latest and greatest in technology for your writer. Now, just as important, let’s discuss the newest technology in CAT software.

When is the last time you upgraded versions of your CAT software?  Certainly you realize that staying current with your CAT software support agreement gets you a lot more than just a yearly renewal invoice!  The software developers working in our industry have been very busy learning from reporters what we need to make our editing time most efficient and profitable.  They have answered the call with many, many new enhancements to the programs that we rely on for our livelihood.

When is the last time you checked out the newest upgrades to the CAT software running on your laptop?  If you happen to be a Case CATalyst reporter, do you know that they are currently on v16?  How can you tell what version you’re running?  If you click on the Help button at the top of your program, then click on About Case CATalyst, a window will display the version of software you’re currently running and how many versions are available.  You can check for updates at this location as well.

Did you also know that if you have a current support agreement in place, you’ll be automatically notified when a newer version is available, along with the highlights of  the upgraded version?  Just a few of the newest upgrades for CATalyst include:

  • Faster Case Prep, designed to help you incorporate previous transcripts into your current job to build job dictionaries
  • CARTView, which allows you to share a screen with, say, an interpreter at a job and help facilitate the flow of testimony
  • A new AudioSync which provides sharper sound quality and less background noise (a demo of this feature is available on the com website)

And for you Eclipse reporters, you can click on the Help button at the top of your icons, and then click on About Eclipse, and the window displays the current version you’re running.  And just in case you didn’t know, Eclipse v7 is now available. offers a 5-minute video of the newest features to v7.  It’s worth your while to watch!  There are some truly remarkable features in this newest version that will have your head spinning, wondering, how did I not know I needed this!!!!!

An example of one of the newest features to v7 is multiple audio channels to isolate individual speakers during heated discussion for more precise editing control.  Watch the video at

And did you know that neither Stenograph nor Advantage Software charges for the newest versions if you have a current support agreement in place?  And are you showing this business expense as a tax deduction?  It is a valid and legitimate deduction, and I’ve never met a court reporter who couldn’t use a tax deduction!  Another reason to consider upgrading that writer of yours!!  The end of the year will be here before you know it and then you’ll be scrambling to find deductions anywhere you can.  And if you don’t have an agreement in place, why don’t you have one?

Your investment into the most up-to-date technology may seem daunting, but the payoff will become evident after just the first few jobs. Bottom line:  Can you really afford not to be operating with the latest technology and support?