Trial Presentation

Presenting your evidence in a digital format in this day and age can be extremely powerful.  With every juror owning a smartphone, it’s no wonder they respond well to a more visual approach to the evidence. It’s more dynamic, easier to change at a moment’s notice, and much easier to organize.  People like technology.  They expect it to the point that if the other side uses it, they wonder why you don’t.  But it’s not just about being flashy; there are many benefits to using a trial technician.

One example is the organization that comes with storing your documents in a digital format.  If you have a very document-intensive case, with lots and lots of exhibits, trial presentation could be very helpful to you.  You don’t have to worry about digging through boxes trying to find that next exhibit.  You can just ask your technician and he’ll pull up any part of any exhibit in a matter of seconds, and zoom in and highlight the relevant information.

Storing your documents digitally is useful, not just for your technician, but for you as well.  You can search through documents for keywords and always have access to them on your laptop wherever you go.  This can save a lot of time and money incurred with printing, binding, and organizing.

Another benefit is that you can constantly find new and interesting ways to present the evidence to those that really matter: judge and jury.  Whether it’s a dynamic timeline, customized PowerPoint, or having your expert scroll through an MRI to teach the jury what it all means, there are always new and engaging methods to communicate with your jury.

Just reach out to a trial technician to ask how they can help you present your case.  Tell them what you are hoping to achieve, explain your case, and they’ll more than likely have ideas for you.  It’s in their interest to make sure you are able to quickly and effectively present your evidence in an engaging manner.

In the coming months, we’ll have more trial presentation posts for you, including one on how meeting with your trial technician early in the litigation process can benefit you.