Why Legal Videography is Important

You’ve heard the expression, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Well, “a video is worth a million words.” Think about it. Everything today involves video. From the presidential elections, to the evening news and everything in between. If you want to get your point across and grab someone’s attention, video is the way to go. The same holds true for using video for depositions.

Taking a deposition with video captures witness demeanor, tone, and emotion. Take the following example:

Without Video

Q: Did you have an affair with Mr. Jones?

A: No, absolutely not.

With Video

Q: Did you have an affair with Mr. Jones?

A: No, absolutely not. (witness gets red in the face, looks away from the camera and then raises her voice as she answers).

Here’s another example:

Videotaping a deposition also becomes extremely valuable at the time of trial as video clips can be used to impeach the witness. When used appropriately, judges also appreciate the use of video during a trial as it breaks up the monotony and keeps jurors engaged.

Your court reporting agency can synchronize the transcript from the court reporter with the digital video file and provide you with a viewer file.  You can search for words quickly or jump to certain parts of the deposition with ease. Court reporting and legal videography agencies will provide you with the video-to-text synchronization at no charge, so be sure to inquire with the company before you schedule with them.

Planet Depos is a worldwide court reporting and legal videography agency headquartered in Washington, DC. Our highly skilled legal videographers are known and respected in the legal industry for providing high-quality digital video services. Contact us today at video@planetdepos.com or at 888.433.3767