From Passports to Hand Gestures – What You Need to Know When Traveling Abroad

By Julia Alicandri

Whether you’re a court reporter or an attorney, there’s a chance you will require business travel internationally. Thorough preparation is critical in making your travel less stressful.

For starters, make sure your passport is valid at least six months beyond the date of your trip. Some airlines won’t even allow you to board if you don’t follow this rule. When selecting a hotel, ask the court reporting firm for recommendations. They will make suggestions based on the location of your deposition, as well as any other specifications you may have. The court reporting firm can also suggest the best way to travel to and from the airport, meal options, and the best sightseeing — and from a local perspective!

Mentally preparing for an international trip is just as critical as physical preparation. Recognizing the culture of the country that you’re visiting is very important. Without proper research, you can easily offend someone without saying a word, and you may never know it. For example, wiggling your index finger with your palm up in the United States is a signal for asking someone to step forward. However, in the Philippines, it is only used to beckon dogs and is considered very rude if aimed at a person. In France, touching your face below the eye with your index finger indicates you don’t believe the person with whom you’re speaking. Of course, we’d never want to unknowingly offend a client or business associate.

With team members around the world, Planet Depos employees are always ready to help. Whether you need to schedule a deposition or arbitration, recommendations for sightseeing, or advice on the culture, we’ve got you covered! Contact us at for more information.