Did you know Creed II is coming to a movie theater near you this Thanksgiving? You may remember, I’ll take any excuse to talk about my hero Rocky Balboa, and will happily weave his story into any topic, even your depositions. If you don’t remember, here’s your reminder/warning. Read on to get fired up about any upcoming depositions you may have and take them on like a heavyweight champ.
To many Philadelphians like myself, Rocky is a real hometown hero. His appeal extends beyond the City of Brotherly Love, however, and for good reason. Rocky is the gritty depiction of hard work and the big payoff – often not pretty, with little and big obstacles along the way, which in the end serve to make the realization of the goal that much more rewarding. When the bell rings and you’re still standing, so to speak, the peals ring that much clearer and sweeter after such hard-won success. Really, when you think about it, preparing for depositions, and your case in general, is not that unlike Rocky preparing for the big fight with Apollo Creed back in 1976.
Setting the goal: Rocky is doubtful he can beat the champ, even when Mickey signs on board to train him. However, he decides he will go the distance, something no fighter has ever done against Apollo. This is his goal, and it spurs him on in his intense and unorthodox training (punching raw meat in a freezer?!), even when he is discouraged by the media’s portrayal of him as a loser. In the same way, paralegals and attorneys set a goal with each case, discuss this with their client, and work doggedly to attain that goal. The filing of notices, motions, preparations for depositions, etc., all lead up to the “fight.”
Assemble a team: Rocky has Mickey, Paulie, and of course, his beloved Adrian, to train and support him as he gears up for his big day. Similarly, attorneys have their paralegals, and their court reporting team. It’s extremely important that the team works together, each providing his or her expertise. The reporter provides realtime, instant rough drafts, and the final transcript, while maintaining confidentiality and providing redacted files as needed. The videographer provides the high-definition video of the proceedings, with excellent audio quality, which can even be synced to the final transcript if requested. The videographer can assist with video clips to be used as exhibits in a deposition, as well. They can assist with additional tasks such as printing (and shredding!) of exhibits. Interpretation may be required, and the trusted court reporting agency is an obvious choice to provide the best available interpreter with subject knowledge expertise.
In essence, the common denominator here is hard work. Training for a fight against the world heavyweight champion is no joke, and neither is working on a case. It takes committed professionals putting in the time and effort. Reporters use any prep materials provided by paralegals to put together word lists, familiarize themselves with the terminology, etc., as do interpreters. The court reporting professionals strategize to ensure they are at the location early to allow ample time for set-up, guaranteeing no delays in the proceedings. They turn in their product on time, to assist the legal team in maintaining their schedule. When it involves an expedited transcript and video, this is no problem for the best-in-class court reporting agency.
For your own knockout depositions, contact Planet Depos. You can schedule online, or email scheduling@planetdepos.com or international@planetdepos.com to reserve coverage.