At Planet Depos, our business motto is “We Make It Happen.” This dedication is shown through our work ethic and commitment to our clients, staff and court reporters – not just in our day-to-day operations, but also in our volunteer roles. In a previous blog we discussed PD International Court Reporter Lisa Feissner’s commitment to her profession. This blog will focus on another of our international employees — Jade King, Director of International Arbitrations. Jade joined the Planet Depos team in August of 2015 and is based in Hong Kong. Her primary role is to grow PD’s international arbitration business, including resourcing and training to ensure that we have the highest skilled international arbitration reporters in the business. To demonstrate Planet Depos’ commitment to realtime excellence, Jade also provides stadium captioning for corporate and political events.
In her early days as a court reporter, Jade provided pro bono work at the Refugee Review Tribunal in Australia. Here she provided transcripts for applicants who didn’t have the money and other resources to pay their own legal expenses. “There was tragedy and desperation in every story, so it was rewarding to do something small to help,” commented Jade. In one devastating case, a man lost his pregnant wife, who went into labor as their ship was sinking. He lost his first case at the Tribunal, but with use of the transcript, the man was able to appeal to the Federal Court to prove legal errors, and eventually won the right to settle in Australia with his remaining child. Jade expressed, “It was wonderful to hear the judgement, and a wonderful feeling for me to know that I had helped to make a difference in this man’s struggle.”
Jade also mentors online. Through her Facebook group, blog, and contributing to other forums, she works with students to improve their writing. She also encourages court reporting students to get involved in pro bono work, reminding them that it doesn’t need to be all humanitarian work. She prompts students to seize every chance to develop new skills through unfamiliar experiences. From scoping or proofing for a skilled court reporter, to putting themselves in unfamiliar jurisdictions, Jade pushes students to work in new environments and reminds them to always be willing to serve as this is a trait that employers look for in a reporter. “As a young stenographer, performing pro bono work for real clients is a great chance to build speed and work skills – and as well as furthering your career prospects, sometimes you get the change to be involved in something special.” It’s easy to see Jade’s commitment to the industry and to her profession through her work with Planet Depos, as well as her off-the-clock mentoring and volunteer work.
For more information on how we can “Make It Happen” for you anywhere in the world, call us at 888-433-3767 or email