Text Streaming
Text streaming services, with audio and video streaming, and instant messaging can provide you the edge you need in the courtroom. As the legal field becomes more competitive, we recognize the need to utilize advanced and efficient technologies that save our clients both time and money. Seamless text streaming, with available LiveNote streaming, is one such solution.
Remote Depositions
Court Reporting Services
U.S. Arbitrations
International Arbitrations
Judicial Services
Text Streaming
Paperless Deposition Exhibits
Conference Rooms
Realtime Translation
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What Is Text Streaming?
Seamless text streaming is a service that allows you to see a translation of the court reporter’s stenotype machine as it is being typed. It provides you with a live feed of the proceeding without the need to attend in person via an internet connection, but it can also be used without an internet connection via the LAN or Wi-Fi networks.
Streaming Depositions and Trial Testimony
As technology advances, it is more common for depositions and trial testimony to be done by realtime court reporters streaming their live text to remote locations, such as conference rooms and remote counsel. In order to successfully stream a deposition or trial testimony, court reporters must be familiar with and trained on a number of live streaming programs. Our realtime court reporters are well-versed in programs such as LiveNote streaming and our trial services consultants are ready anytime to provide technical support on either end.