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For court reporters who haven’t yet discovered Text on Top (TOT), it is a software platform created in Europe that was initially marketed to captioning reporters, but is now making its way to the U.S.; and realtime reporters are only now discovering its versatility and application possibilities.

It requires no downloading of software onto counsel’s computer, only the reporter’s; and it enables the viewer to read whatever is on the screen as the reporter’s realtime feed streams along the bottom, top or middle of the screen.

The way it works is the reporter plugs one wireless TOT USB into their computer, another into the viewer’s, and launches the application. The TOT USB then feeds the reporter’s output to the viewer’s in front of whatever software counsel may be viewing. For example, counsel may want to be marking the realtime text in CaseView, but then tab out of CaseView to view exhibits, photos and documents in another window. In that case, the realtime will continue scrolling along the bottom of the viewer’s screen via TOT, interfering in no way with any of the software applications that are running behind it. Never before has counsel had the ability to move from one document to the next during trial and deposition while continuing to follow the text without having to split the screen.

Computer-assisted realtime translation (CART) reporters who follow students from class to class and convention reporters have already embraced the usefulness of TOT, as it enables students to type notes and view documents in full-screen mode, and convention speakers to give their PowerPoint presentations as the captions continue streaming at the bottom of their video display unit (VDU).

Another impressive aspect of TOT is its price. For reporters who need only one USB for their computer and one for the presenter or student, their investment will run them $299. Each USB beyond that will be another $100.

For counsel afraid to “deal” with realtime software viewers and make the leap to full legal support software platforms, TOT is a great alternative. They have nothing to do but enjoy the advantages that a realtime feed provides. Because Text on Top makes realtime so easy for both the reporter and counsel, now anyone and everyone can benefit from the reporter’s realtime feed.


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