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Legal Networking

Legal networking can be fun and more easily integrated into your busy life if you make a point of not overdoing it and if you stick to attending events that interest you. If you like art, consider attending gallery openings.  If you are — or would like to be...

What is Planet Viewer?

Planet Viewer is a complimentary software platform that includes a synchronized text-to-video transcript available to all Planet Depos clients who order a video deposition. The software is easy to use, requiring just a few clicks to create a video clip. Video clips...

Court Reporter Appreciation Week

The National Court Reporters Association has designated February 6-13, 2013, as Court Reporter Appreciation Week. In our October 8, 2012, blog post, “Appreciating a Court Reporter’s Skill Sets,” we explained how court reporters use their steno machines to create a...
Planet Depos

Planet Depos

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